Developing Your Own Sound

recording-studio-01-1489852-1279x819Having a certain, recognizable sound comes down to having consistent characteristics. This meaning, having key elements and styles that you repeat in your work between various projects. Here are just a few ways I’ve been exploring in developing my unique sound.

Remember that you don’t have to be completely original to be unique. Snowflakes all look the same from a distance, but if you take a closer look, you can see distinct differences between each one. Magnify and highlight what makes your sound unique to your listeners.

If you produce music regularly, you will start to form certain workflow habits. These ways of doing things can help to establish your sound and style. There are many ways of performing various tasks, and each technique you use will affect your sound differently.

Building a sound library that consists of your favorite sounds that fit your artistic vision is another wonderful way to create consistency. Doing your own sound design helps to expand your library with original samples, oneshots, loops and presets.

Use a previous song as a template to start a new song. You can just open the old version and delete all the arrangement, automation and loops. Now you have all the instruments and effects you previously used, and you can build something completely new from that starting place.

As you listen to music you like, you can create a list of your favorite musical attributes. Then you can use these ideas as a sound pallette. Mix the various ideas to create musical colors and shades.

Keep a journal of musical ideas to try. That way if you end up sitting in front of your gear, scratching your head, and wondering what to do next, you can look at your previous ideas and concepts for inspiration.

These are just a few ways you can start to develop your own sound as an artist. Please share any ideas you have in the comments below, and share this articles with your music producer friends. Thank you!

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