Nataraj Interview on Asheville FM

Nataraj MusicToday was a great day for Nataraj band.  Trey and I got to go onto Asheville FM community radio to talk about our band.  We mentioned that we will be playing a show this Sunday at LAFF (The Lexington Ave Arts and Fun Festival) from 6-8.  It’s going to be a good time, so if you’re in Asheville, come on down and dance.  We will also be playing at White Horse in Black Mountain on Sep. 24th.  Nataraj band consists of Alex, Trey, Simon Renjit, and myself (DJ Story).

Nataraj is Sanskrit, and translates to King of Dance.  It is  symbolized by the image of Hindu deity, Shiva, dancing.

Nataraj Radio Interview Asheville FM 9.1.10

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